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At EMFSafe our primary focus is establishing a sleep sanctuary. However, with so many working from home these days we wanted to give some attention to the space in the home which many spend almost as much time in as the bedroom - the “office”.
Night is the most important time because we are many times more sensitive at night than during the day, however, having created a sleep sanctuary, we can turn our attention to the area you spend most time in during day . . . your office.
Whereas at night you can turn everything off, that does not work so well in an office . . . what to do?
There are many things - but as always, the first is to measure.
If you work in a commercial situation you maybe very limited as to what you can do. BUT, you can measure and remove/reduce what you can. You still maybe able to ground all the ungrounded appliances, gadgets and gizmos And move things away from you.|
Sit in your primary work place with everything the way you usually have it . . . now hook up the BVK. What is your reading?
Look around you, make a list af all the electrical devices: desk top computer, lap top, tablet, phone, WiFi router, printer, external hard drive, speakers, paper shredder, lamp, fan, heater, air purifyer etc. Everyone of these has an electric field!
Our bodies are antennas and attract the EMF around us, the electric fields from the devices around us AND the wires in our walls, so you do NOT want to become the “path of least resistance”, to ground, for these fields.
Grounding or Earthing is becoming very popular because of the good results some are experiencing, however, others are having bad experiences . . . this maybe in part because of the quality of the ground being used. If your local transformer is close to your house or you live close to the power station, Or you live in a dense area - the ground maybe “dirty”. Simply, it is better to ground the devices that have to be on . . . and not be the ground for them. If you have a metal desk try grounding It. See our GROUNDING page.
The electric field follows the path of least resistance. Put up a metallic shield and ground it - NOT you.
DO NOT make yourself part of the circuit.
With airplane mode on, WiFi & Bluetooth OFF
IF - you have to have WiFi and/or mobile phone on, use a shield to attenuate (reduce) exposure.
Something as simple as a metal mesh file holder can attenuate (reduce) RF exposure. I got these from Staples.
Use Aluminum foil, metal screen, Reflectix as inexpensive shielding materials.
Use to shield under desk & behind head board, under bed etc. in an apartment, condo or duplex to block RF from neighbor. Must be grounded to reduce electric field. You can also use EMF blocking paint.
Measure • Understand • Mitigate • Mend (M.U.M.M.)
If you work from home you have a great deal more freedom to do these things . . .
MITIGATE - Start REMOVING what you can (disconnect, unplug, the things that don’t need to be on). The paper shredder can be unplugged when not in use. REDUCE the fields you cannot remove. Things that have to stay on (especially during the day) move them away from you. The printer can be unplugged when not in use AND can be on the other side of the room when it is. Computers and external hard drives should be grounded (3 prong plug) if 2 pin - use a grounding pad or cord, let the grounding pad/cord take the field so you don't. The wires in your home put out an electric field 6 - 8 feet into the room, look down at your feet, move any electrical cords as far from you as possible. Keep measuring with the BVK until you find what gives you the lowest reading.
Consider turning the circuit to your office off, include it in one of zones of your EMFSafeSwitch. This gets rid of all the electric fields in the walls. Bring in a shielded, grounded extension cord from another room for the devices you need. Make sure all the cords are running away from you and not in a bundle by your feet.
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EMFSafe is the American manufacturer of the UL listed EMFSafeSwitch
(Also EMFSleepSwitch and original EMFKillSwitch) and the PQFilter™
If you are working with one of our affiliates, please contact them with questions.
Feel free to call us but please check the web site, videos, Q&A first, thanks.
Oregon main (phone only) - 541-944-EMF0 (3630)
Operations (phone/text) - 972-849-9500 (PST)
Due to the number of Spam calls if you are in the 541 area please text first
Technical Support / Custom shop - 541-538-9529 (PST)
Medford, Oregon 97501
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