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Human beings are exposed to both native (natural) and non-native (man-made) energy sources known as electromagnetic fields (EMF). The natural ones include such things as the earth's Schumann resonance, sunlight and cosmic radiation. Non-native EMF comes from the electric wires in our homes, appliances, electrical devices, smart phones, “Smart” meters etc. All man-made EMFs are dramatically increasing: wherever possible it is best to limit or reduce exposure. The entire spectrum of energy is referred to as the electromagnetic spectrum as shown in the diagram above.
Reducing EMF exposure basically comes down to a simple strategy: measure with the appropriate meter to understand the environment, mitigate - remove or reduce exposure quantity and time with distance and shielding, so you can mend. Categories of EMF with some basic recommendations are outlined below:
ELF/VLF: Extremely low frequency and Very low frequency EMFs and include electrical wiring, all electronics, appliances, computers, etc. Measuring these fields utilizes a body voltage (BV) meter and achieving acceptable levels given here. The EMFSafeSwitch effectively addresses limiting this category. At the power level in homes these fields travel 6-8 feet.
MF: Magnetic fields are a type of EMF typically generated in conjunction with the ELF/VLF fields whenever electricity is flowing through a wire or path. If you use The EMFSafeSwitch, this will most likely be addressed. However, it is a good idea to test your home with a gauss meter for faulty home wiring or an external power source. At the power level in homes these fields travel 2-3 feet, from an outside high power transmission line dozens of feet.
RF: Radio frequency fields (RF) include cell phone, radio and microwave energies. Sources include anything wireless from cell phones to blue tooth devices, smart meters, appliances, cordless phones, baby monitors and WiFi . . . Avoiding/limiting usage indoors as much as possible is primary. Blocking sources from outside your home is more involved: options include shielding paints, fabrics and in extreme circumstances the construction of a faraday cage. The EMFSafeSwitch should be used in conjunction with these shielding solutions where ever external originating EMF is an issue. The meter used to assess RF fields is an RF meter. WiFi can travel 50-100 feet, RF from a cell phone and tower several miles.
DE: “Dirty Electricity” is in actual fact a harmonic of one of the above. “Dirty” refers to a polluted signal. Read more HERE
You wash your hands of microbes even though you can't hear, see, smell, taste or feel them, BECAUSE if you don’t - you can get sick. EMF’s in that sense are like microbes and viruses . . .
Learn to “wash your hands” of EMF just like you do microbes, to be healthy and LiveEMFSafe. This is EMF 101
Many people fail at in home EMF mitigation because they ignore the source & science of the EMF. Why try to deal with the effects of in home EMF when you can simply & safely cut off the cause.
If harmonizers & neutralizers like shungite, crystals, copper coils & alternative energy plates & boxes etc. actually absorb or remove harmful EMF how come your phone still makes & receives calls? If your lights & appliances are still working, you still have 60Hz (50Hz) electric fields present. If you have a signal & power, you have harmful EMF. You may feel better (placebo effect?) but is cellular damage still being done?
EMF mitigation made safe and easy, just switch it off.
Don’t fail, live EMF safe with an EMFSafe cut off switch. Do you want better energy, health & sleep? Is the EMF in your bedroom holding you back? Take the challenge & find out -
Reflecting away ALL (most) radio frequency (RF) and protecting you on the inside from this harmful RF on the outside - cell tower signals, neighbors WiFi, radio/TV signals, radar etc.
But to work you must have NO gaps, the walls, floor, ceiling, windows & doors must be covered 100%.
Bring ANY active device with RF/bluetooth into a Faraday room: computer, tablet, phone etc. & the RF is mirrored back at you. There are only 2 actual candles in the top left photo!
An active mobile phone will not receive a signal but it will power up to it’s maximum trying to find one.
Faraday rooms can reduce EMF exposure IF respect & used correctly. They need to be a sanctuary from ALL things electronic. Used incorrectly they can make things worse.
All EMF - electric fields, magnetic fields & radio frequency can be measured with equipment, like our BVK. Any “change” to EMF from “neutralizers”, “harmonizers” and/or “Tesla quantum field” devices do not show on any scientific measuring equipment. These devices do not change the field frequency or reduce the EMF in anyway that can be measured even on an oscilloscope. Ironically some of them are radioactive, so they add to your EMF. Science is science.
If your phone still picks up a 4G/5G signal, if your lights and appliances still work - you still have EMF at the same strength and same frequency you did before. If a “Tesla scalar field” neutralizes the harmful effects of EMF how come Nicola Tesla suffered chronic Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome (EHS) in his later years?
What about pendants and other wearables that claim EMF & 5G protection? This photo was taken from a TikTok video seen 500k+ times. It claims to show the pendant blocking, absorbing, neutralizing the RF from this WIFi router. Only problem is this an E-field meter is measuring electric & magnetic fields NOT RF and any metal or even your hand would have the same affect.
Even if it did block RF, in a 2” area, how could a pendant round your neck protect the rest of your body? Don’t be fooled.
See the science:
With the push of a button . . . Just switch it off.
The EMFSafe Switch empowers you to control your in home EMF, especially at night when you are 10x more sensitive. It offers measurable results with little to no inconvenience.
All types of EMF are cumulative, they add up. The “straw that breaks your back” might be Radio Frequency (RF) or “Dirty Electricity” (DE) but what if you were not already loaded up like our camel friend? Your body might be able to “carry” the load/effects of the RF or “DE”.
Lightening your load could be the key.
Our camel friend knows the effects of heavy loads . . . listen to the camel and lighten your load.
Hiding in your walls is the "E" of EMF. The wiring in your walls puts out an “E” (electric) field 6 - 8 feet into the room as long as the circuit is on and is the single greatest exposure (load) to EMF for most people.
This exposure can affect both sleep (Melatonin) & the immune system and adds greatly to overall EMF load. It is also the easiest to reduce/remove.
A variety of different electronic devices and appliances, including televisions, toasters, lamps, and more, when plugged in, can consume electricity even when they’re turned off.
This phenomenon is commonly referred to as a “phantom load” or “vampire energy.” A phantom load is any electronic device or appliance that consumes electricity when turned off but still plugged into an outlet. These appliances and electronic devices provide the modern-day conveniences we rely on, but they also waste energy and cost money. The U.S. Department of Energy says on average, 75 percent of the electricity used to power home electronics and appliances is consumed while the products are turned off.
EMF/RF goes through walls. The wires in the wall next to your bed are putting out an electromagnetic field 6-8 feet ALL NIGHT . . . unless you switch off the circuit at the fuse box. 70%+ of most peoples cumulative load originates in their home.
The EMFSafeSwitch remotely and safely switches OFF these circuits . . . reducing your load thus supporting your immune system.
We have so many "smart" devices all putting out microwave signals (WiFi and bluetooth) continuously. We live in a soup of RF (radio frequency). Turning off these "smart" features whenever you can helps reduce cumulative load especially at night when they are not even needed.
As far as all your appliances go it is not any one item but all of them combined that does the damage, again the cumulative load. That said, the more you unplug and/or keep away from you during the day and cut off the circuit at night the better off you are.
Use the EMFSafe “E” Pen to find the electric field whereever you are. Use the EMFSafe BVK meter to measure those fields in . . . your bedroom, home office, your “happy place” (den, TV chair etc.) Move things away, unplug them, turn off circuits until your reading is below 1,000 mV during the day and 100 mV at night. LiveEMFSafe. When using a BVK you are grounded, for an accurate reading don’t be double grounded (bare feet when standing or touching anything that is grounded).
This movie was made by James Russell several years ago (4G was just coming out). If you are new to EMF this will give some history and clarification.
He talks about the connection of the Schumann Resonance to life and how nnEMF, electric & magnetic fields & radio frequencies cause harm.
If you would rather see this "101" information in a slide show than read, click here:
It is NOT the last straw that breaks the camels back . . . it is the cumulative load.
EMFSafe is about providing you with the information and tools you need to both measure and understand the problem and make an informed decision. There are many factors that can come into play in regard to insomnia. One, that many people are not even aware of, is the influence of electromagnetic fields (EMF) on sleep and the immune system. EMF does occur in nature, most of it comes from the sun, during the day. Hence, if your body is exposed to EMF in the evening and at night, it reads it as day light and so keeps producing cortisol to keep the body going and does not release melatonin to slow the body down to get ready to sleep, detox and heal, EMF interferes with good sleep . . .
Researchers studying the effects of EMF on museum workers, the results of which were shared in the International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology, found that night shift workers exposed to EMF for 20 hours a week had lowered immune system function. They also revealed that women were more prone to the immune system disturbance. Immune system function returned to normal after a change in work site.
If you are not already working with an EMF Consultant in your area who will come out and measure your home for you we can find you one, or we can set up an "EMF-tele-consult." and show you how to measure yourself with our BVK (body voltage kit).
Simply remove the cause of the problem . . . having identified which circuits in our house are affecting us . . . the EMFSafeSwitch remotely and safely switches them off. No more in home originated electric fields, magnetic fields, dirty electricity or radio frequencies. Maybe now you can sleep. (Manual option also available)
The EMFSafeSwitch is built in America in a 508A UL industrial control panel shop and come as a complete unit ready to install, which should only take an hour maybe two. Being UL listed they are safe for your home, will pass building inspection and not void your home owners insurance (which a non-UL listed "kit" could). THE safe way for you to control ALL the EMF originating in your house and have an EMF mitigated sleep sanctuary every night. Your breakers are not designed as switches and they can be compromised if used that way regularly.
60 Hz EMF field was shown to cause biological effects
EMF_Bioreactive (pdf)
DownloadElectromagnetic fields (EMF), in both ELF (extremely low frequency) and radio frequency (RF) ranges, activate the cellular stress response . . .
We are 10x more sensitive to EMF at night. What happens for most people is that once they have an EMF mitigated sleep sanctuary with little to no electromagnetic fields affecting them, insomnia goes away, they sleep better, think more clearly, have more energy. Those that were having symptoms before - find they start clearing up. We have hundreds of satisfied customers . . . why not become one of them?
5,000+ scientific and medical studies show EMF's negative impact and:
100% of us are effected by EMF exposure in some way . . .
30% have symptoms . . .
3% - 5% are EHS (Electrically Hyper-Sensitive) and know there symptoms are from EMF.
During the power cuts in California parents of Autistic children noticed how much better their children did with the power (EMF) off.
Dr. Martin L. Pall, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington - wrote: Compelling Evidence for Eight Distinct Types of Great Harm Caused by Electromagnetic Field (EMF).
Over two dozen studies show the health related damage due to electromagnetic field radiation (EMF’s) effecting the bodies calcium channels. This is known as voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCC’s). Learn how the electromagnetic field effects the cells of our bodies in this informative interview, radio show interview with Dr. Martin Pall.
2017 Letter to California Legislators about the harmful affects of EMF.
Historically, the determination of whether or not an energy source was harmful was based on an energy's ability to essentially burn human tissue. We now know that damage occurs far short of thermal injury and that there are many types of molecular and cellular damage that occur with man-made EMFs.
For some people, the jury is still officially out on EMFs specific and long-term health effects and it will likely take years for all of the pieces of the puzzle to come together (remember cigarettes? asbestos? leaded gasoline?...). For health-minded people, there is sufficient current evidence that exposure is harmful and that the escalating cumulative effect is extremely serious. It is a fact that we live in a rapidly expanding technological world and are experiencing exponentially increasing EMF exposure. As such, action is indicated now and every effort should be made to limit EMF exposure wherever possible. This is an extensive report detailing health effects across multiple organ systems. Though criticized as “cherry picking" studies to support their view, the strength of this report is that it was done independent of governments and existing professional societies that have historically clung to old standards and outdated views. It was independently prepared by 29 expert authors from 10 countries. Over 2000 studies were reviewed and the report is over 1500 pages in length. The website has extensive information on EMF concerns. The academy’s official position on EMF is outlined in this pdf. Dr. Magda Havas is an expert who researches and writes extensively.
Comprehensive look at the history, science and effects in humans and nature of the EMF problem. Written by a double PhD scientist who clearly knows his "stuff". Probably, our favorite book on the subject.
This is an extremely well written and readable book. Learn about the body's natural electricity and the extraordinary things that nature accomplishes with micro charges and currents and then fathom how modern exposure can be anything short of dangerous.
DISCLAIMER: Even though most of the information given here was written by a Doctor, it is intended for information purposes ONLY and not for diagnosis or treatment. Consult your physician for any actual medical problems.
Prove us all crazy, take the FREE 6 night challenge,
At NO expense to yourself manually turn off all the breakers to your bedroom and the room next to it (plugs & lights) for 6 nights.
Within 6 nights in an EMF mitigated room, MOST people are sleeping better, their symptoms are clearing up and they are feeling more energy/refreshed (just like camping). Prove us wrong.
If you find an EMF mitigated sleep area helps you, order a BVK, measure and be informed or at least call us: 541-944-EMF0 (3630)
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EMFSafe is the American manufacturer of the UL listed EMFSafeSwitch
(Also EMFSleepSwitch and original EMFKillSwitch) and the PQFilter™
If you are working with one of our affiliates, please contact them with questions.
Feel free to call us but please check the web site, videos, Q&A first, thanks.
Oregon main (phone only) - 541-944-EMF0 (3630)
Operations (phone/text) - 972-849-9500 (PST)
Due to the number of Spam calls if you are in the 541 area please text first
Technical Support / Custom shop - 541-538-9529 (PST)
Medford, Oregon 97501
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