Guides on Measuring EMFs

EMFSafe offers a handy guide to measuring EMFs and how you can reduce the effects of their exposure.

Electric Fields

Electric fields are caused by live circuits and radiate out 6ft to 8ft from plugged in appliances, cords and wires in the walls, floor and ceiling. These AC fields vibrate at 60Hz (50Hz) cause melatonin suppression that affects sleep and health in general.

An electric meter lets you measure the strength of these electric fields at a single point in space.

We offer the new Cornet Quad 5G Pro 

Body Voltage

Electric fields are induced into your body and cause body voltage.

A Body Voltage Kit (BVK) is a simple, effective tool to measure  these fields in your body. A BVK also empowers you to identify hidden circuits, allowing you to switch them off and create an EMF mitigated sleep sanctuary for optimal sleep and health.

We offer the EMFSafe BVK 

Dirty Electricity (DE)

Dirty Electricity (“DE”) is a harmonic or artifact an the electric current.

Accurate measurements of Dirty Electricity (DE) require professional equipment, such as an oscilloscope. However, consumer-grade EMI meters can provide a general indication of the “DE” present on your home circuits, offering a starting point for further investigation.

Magnetic Fields

Magnetic fields are caused by power lines, bad house wiring and electric motors (fans, hair dryers etc.). They are measured in Gauss and are known to adversely affect health, especially in children.

We offer the new Cornet Quad 5G Pro 

A person holding up a black and white device.

Radio Frequency (RF)

Radio Frequency (RF) radiation, comes from WiFi, cell phones, microwave ovens, cell towers, “smart” meters as well as TV and radio stations.

We offer the new Cornet Quad 5G Pro 

Body Voltage Kit - BVK

A black case with various electronics and cords in it.


BVK with "E" Pen - Body Voltage Kit (BVK)

The Body Voltage Kit (BVK) with the “E” Pen is a powerful tool for measuring body voltage and electric field exposure in your home. This kit includes the following components:

  • EMFSafe “E” Pen
  • Color OLED screen “BV” meter
  • Adjustable cord handle
  • Circuit tester
  • Grounding cord 12ft
  • Ground spike
  • Hard shell case
  • FREE shipping

See video below for se up and use.

Best all round meter

Measure radio frequency (RF), electric and magnetic fields AND light flicker ALL IN ONE meter.

There are many meters to choose from on the market today, many are ok (some are not).

In the past we recommended:

For RF the Safe and Sound Pro II (and still do) but at $400 for reading RF only, for some this is not an option.

For magnetic fields the Alpha Labs UHS2 also $400

So why now the new Cornet Quad 5G Pro? Cornet has been around for years and just updated their meter to accommodate 5G and added a light flicker function. At $200 +/- to spot measure electric fields, magnetic fields, RF and light flicker we think this and our BVK is a great way for most people to get started.

A white cornet device with the words " cornet quad 5 g pro ".
EMF guidelines

Body Voltage reading for electric fields is the most useful because i shows the level of affect on your body. You must not be double grounded when taking body voltage. If standing wear insulated shoes (most are). The EMFSafe body voltage meter measures in milli volts (mV) - 1.000 = 1 volt or 1,000 milli volts, 0.100 = 100mV

Magnetic field are measured in Gauss or Tesla units depending on your meter. Take measurements away from the walls.

Radio frequency (RF) is measured in many different unit. The Cornet uses milli-watts / meter2 (mW/m2), the Safe & Sound uses micro-watts/m2 (µW.m2). 1 mW/m2 = 1,000 µW/m2

For magnetic fields and RF rotate the meter and use the highest reading.

How to set up and use the BVK

Measure your office

Measure & mitigate a bedroom

Take Control of Your Home’s EMF Exposure

From our EMFSafe Switches and PQFilters™ to comprehensive educational resources and professional consultations, we’re here to help you mitigate EMF exposure effectively. Take the first step today and start improving your health and well-being.